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Upload your own Podcast and Publish it for free on Spotify (Web Version)

Updated: Aug 21, 2021

Have great thoughts and a voice people would like to listen to?
Make your own podcast and publish it for free on Spotify, Itunes, Google Podcast, and many more

In today's article, you will be learning how to upload your podcast step by step using your desktop. Soon, a post on how to publish your podcast for free using your smartphone will also be up.

Open the Anchor Website

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You can log in using your personal email ID or using Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, or Apple ID.

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After logging in click on "Let's do it" and then you will land on the next page.

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Here, you can either record directly or upload an already recorded episode. The episode can be in a video format too.

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If you click on "Record" you will have the option of inputs to choose from or simply on the right side, you've got the option to upload which I did. After uploading click on "Save Episode".

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Now you're supposed to write down the "Episode Title" as well as the description of the episode. Scroll down.

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After scrolling, you'll get options to "Upload new episode art" which is basically the thumbnail of that specific episode. You can write down the "Season number" and "Episode Number" too, along with the category of the episode. Now scroll back and click on "Publish Now"

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As soon as you publish the episode you will be redirected to your dashboard and soon you'll' be finding a popup where you've to describe the podcast channel. After filling out the details click on "Continue".

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Now you have to upload the "Channel Art" which will be the logo of your Podcast channel.

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After updating the logo, you can write some titles on it too. Then hit "Update Cover Art" and then click on "Yes, distribute my podcast" and it will distributed to all the podcast platforms available within no time.

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While writing this blog itself I received an email that my podcast has been published on Spotify. Here's the screenshot.

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