Use your command prompt in windows to perform functions
Find the IP Address of your PC or Desktop using a command prompt
1. Open the command prompt by pressing "Windows+R" and type "cmd" in the box and hit enter, your command prompt will be opened.
2. Type "ipconfig" and hit enter, you will all the details such as IP address, default gateway, subnet mask, etc.
Find all the tasks running on your computer.
Type "tasklist" and hit enter
Create a new folder anywhere on the computer
1. Open command prompt and type
"cd _location where you want to create the new folder_" and then hit enter
This is basically to change the directory
2. Type "mkdir _name of the folder_" and hit enter, your new folder will be created.
Read the text files without opening it
1. Type "cd _location where the text file is stored_" and hit enter.
2. Type "type _name of the file_.txt", the extension should be as per the file you want to read, hit enter.
Change the color of your command prompt
Type "color red" in the command prompt.(Here the color name doesn't;t matter)
You will get a list of colors with their codes, for example, if you want the color to be yellow you'll type "color 6" and the colors of the command prompt will be changed to yellow.