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Best way to add text/image in perspective view

Frustrated with inserting a text or an image by transform tool?

Tech Aficionado brings you the easiest and best way to add anything in perspective using Adobe Photoshop.

We'll be using the method of "Vanishing Point" in Adobe Photoshop which is one of the most unused filters ever.

To begin with, open the image you want to edit i.e., the image in which you want the perspective to be. It could be a building or a wall, anything with perspective. A stair would also do. After opening the image in Adobe Photoshop, go to Filters> Vanishing Point

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When the vanishing point tab opens, Hit "C" and create a plane in which you want to add the text or image, the image you want can be graffiti or a banner or whatever you need to add.

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Now you've made the plane on one side, now to make the exact same plane on the other side, again hit "C" and while holding "Alt" and drag the mid-point the other side and it will automatically for the same plane but on a different side. Holding "Alt" basically flips it by 90 degrees.

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Now after you've done making planes, hit "OK" and now you'll reach back to the workspace. In the workspace, you won't find any sort of changes but don't worry, the plane has been made. Now bring the image you want on the building and press, "Ctrl/Command+A" > "Ctrl/Command+C">"Ctrl/Command+V", this is basically to select all and copy the image

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Now make a new layer by hitting "Shirft+Ctrl/Command+N" and then hit "Enter". Now you can delete the image from your workspace as it has been already been copied and of no use. While being in the new layer, go to filters>Vanishing Point and hit "Ctrl/Command+C" to paste the image. Now it will be directly fitted into the plane made. You can adjust the image by dragging and increase or decrease the size by hitting "Ctrl/Command+T"

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Easy up Tech - Tech Aficionado

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